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Buying Stock

The Secretary of the Exmoor Horn Sheep Breeders’ Society (EHSBS) is pleased to be able assist with any enquiries about stock for sale and about the breed in general.
There are Society Sales held every year from September to November. These are organised by Exmoor Farmers Livestock Auctions Ltd.

The EHSBS Secretary will be able to help with further information on sale dates and catalogues.

To view a list of future Show and Sales click this link

Exmoor Horn Market DayThe Exmoor Horn Sheep Breeders Society give advice, information and support to its members as well as organising an enjoyable social programme which brings members together to share in their common interests. The Society encourages members to maintain and improve standards of the breed as well as sharing information and ideas with events such as the annual flock competition

To view current information about stock for sale click this link Stock for Sale